Kolpak P7-064-CS 5'10" Prefab Cooler (with floor) - Polar-Pak

✚✚✚ Kolpak P7-064-CS 5'10" Prefab Cooler (with floor) - Polar-Pak

Features: Air cooled condensing units, Automatic, hot gas condensate evaporator, Defrost timer, Dial thermometer, Expansion valve systems, 100 percent foamed in place polyurethane insulation (four inch), Foamed in place panel gaskets, Aluminum/zinc alloy interior and exterior, High pressure safety control, Interior point 100 inch aluminum floor, Off cycle coil defrost system, Self closing door, Coved corners. Benefits: Interior vapor proof light ensures cooler is well lit, Magnetic door gaskets ensures door remains closed when shut, Coved corners for easier cleaning, Inside safety release to prevent accidental entrapment , Keyed door locks to control access to unit, Panel fasteners ensure a perfect, airtight fit. Additional Considerations: Refrigeration must be on five foot wall.

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Kolpak P7-064-CS 5'10" Prefab Cooler (with floor) - Polar-Pak - Features: Air cooled condensing units, Automatic, hot gas condensate evaporator, Defrost timer, Dial thermometer, Expansion valve systems, 100 percent foamed in place polyurethane insulation (four inch), Foamed in place panel gaskets, Aluminum/zinc alloy interior and exterior, High pressure safety control, Interior point 100 inch aluminum floor, Off cycle coil defrost system, Self closing door, Coved corners. Benefits: Interior vapor proof light ensures cooler is well lit, Magnetic door gaskets ensures door remains closed when shut, Coved corners for easier cleaning, Inside safety release to prevent accidental entrapment , Keyed door locks to control access to unit, Panel fasteners ensure a perfect, airtight fit. Additional Considerations: Refrigeration must be on five foot wall..


Kolpak P7-064-CS 5'10" Prefab Cooler (with floor) - Polar-Pak?

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