| Avalon VT747SP Tube EQ/Compressor
Product By : Avalon
Avalon VT747SP Tube EQ/Compressor. The Avalon VT-747SP combines a creative STEREO tube-discrete Class A spectral-opto-compressor with a musical six band program equalizer, L-R output level and gain reduction metering and internal regulated power supplies in a 2U space. Ideal for high performance DAW input signal conditioning, stereo buss compression-EQ, stereo keyboards and analog mastering applications. SPECTRAL-OPTO-COMPRESSIONThe opto-compressor features a minimum signal path design utilizing sealed silver relays for all signal routing and by pass functions. The optical attenuator acts as a passive level controller with a Class A, variable gain make-up amplifier. Full dynamic control from soft compression to hard-knee limiting can be achieved with master threshold, ratio-compression, attack and release controls. Gain reduction indication is a large analog VU meter. Low frequency and high frequency contour parametric spectral controls can be routed into the side-chain path for enhanced frequency dependent compression with variable frequency and threshold levels. SC listen provides side-chain listen mode for monitoring. SIX BAND PROGRAM EQUALIZERThe VT-747SP equalizer utilizes 100% discrete, Class A high-voltage transistors for optimum sonic performance. The six band STEREO program EQ incorporates the smooth characteristics of an all passive design.
FeaturesVT-747SP SPECIFICATIONSCircuit topology Three (3) dual triode vacuum tubes (Sovtek 6922), high-voltage discrete Class A modeInput gain range Balanced, Class A, 20k ohms, -20dB to +16dB with high gain switchMaximum input level +36dB balanced XLR pin 2 hot Are you finding the best review for
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